For over 30 years, Apex and its predecessor affiliates have provided liquidity to holders of real estate equity and debt
Hospitality; assisting owners and lenders
owners seeking lifeline capital via new layer(s) of preferred equity or mezz debt
lenders about the purchase of debt held on their balance sheets
small hotel companies re: equity infusions at the corporate level.
Properties in which Apex will invest can be located in most markets around the country or Canada. Apex prefers to invest between $10mm - $50mm of equity in individual properties; entity capitalizations up to $100mm
Developer/OperatingPartner interests
General partner, LLC manager, JV operating partner, private REIT advisor
Replace financial partner
Buy out partners/difficult investors
Recapitalize balance sheet
Real estate private equity manager
Close out fund without requiring operating partner to sell
Reduce accounting and admin for small remnants
Reduce number of operating partners
Investor interests
Trusts and estates, family offices, etc.
Limited partner, LLC member, private REIT shareholder, fund investor, JV
Monetize illiquid holding
Control timing to exit fund
Sell off poor performers
Target transactions --- $10 - 50 million range (can aggregate smaller purchases, accommodate larger in special circumstances)